discover the approach


The Aproach

For me, leadership is in effect both a verb and a noun. As a verb, it is the charge of energy, or the very behaviour that creates the desired leadership effect, such as encouraging, motivating, inspiring, or enabling others. As a noun, it is a symbiotic networked relationship, some elements are formal, having been designed and implemented by the organisation. Other elements are the fruits borne of individuals within the organisation creating useful informal symbiotic relationships with other individuals, internal to, or external to the organisation.

The program is designed to be delivered to small groups. It is structured into a series of twelve 90-minute activity-driven face-to-face workshops, each carefully curated to ignite your leadership journey. Each workshop will focus on one of the 6 key leadership themes (behaviours) and will sequentially build on the previous workshop. Each leadership theme is supported by two carefully selected tools to support you in applying and actioning your newfound knowledge, which I refer to as Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes (KSA).

You will be encouraged to expand and reflect on these workshops by reading the bespoke short and long-form articles and listening to the audio content. Each workshop is deliberately scheduled with an interval between successive workshops during which you will be encouraged to Act on what you have learned, Observe the effects of your actions and Reflect on the results.

Behavioural Change (Doing and Learning)

It is a common misconception that only people in designated positions of leadership, or specific industries should act as leaders. We all simultaneously find ourselves leading and being led in numerous situations throughout the day. Accepting the role of leader simply means that you, with your unique, knowledge, experience and history, are the best-placed person within any given context to solve a problem, create new opportunities, or help to strengthen a team. This program is unique in both what and how it teaches individual leadership. My vision is to achieve real behavioural change in you, the participant.

This program has been specifically designed for curious individuals from all walks of life. If you fall into any of the following categories, then I believe you will benefit from participating in this program: Parents, athletes & coaches, teachers, graduates, middle managers, the newly promoted, senior leaders, people working in industries undergoing radical transformations, military leaders, civil authorities and the undiscovered.